
Redefining Digital Transformation for Greater Efficiency

Faced with the need to clarify its concept and effectively integrate its new solutions, Ogures entrusted me with the mission of revitalizing its visual identity and developing clearer, more engaging communication.

Visual identity and strategy

When technology meets efficiency

Following the creation of the logo, I proceeded to the declination of paper supports, aligning all corporate stationery with the new visual identity. This consistency ensures that every point of contact with customers reflects Ogures’ sophistication and expertise.

Ogures’ new professional presentation has been completely revamped to incorporate the brand’s new tone. The slides were designed to be not only informative but also visually captivating, making it easier to communicate the benefits of Ogures solutions in meetings with potential and existing customers.

As a result, Ogures has succeeded in reinforcing its market position as a leader in digital transformation, with a visually renewed brand that clearly communicates its added value and commitment to efficiency and innovation.


Formerly known as DFC Partners, is a consulting firm that has excelled in project management since 2010. Specializing in guiding companies towards digitalization, Ogures is committed to offering innovative solutions such as “Control Tower” and “Portfolio Optimizer” to optimize the management and efficiency of its customers' digital projects.

Client: DFC Partners
Date: 8 March 2024
Services: Visual identity, logo, powerpoint, ads
For: D-impulse